Welcome! Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that the contents of it you will not only fun, but also useful. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the site prepared use of the site rules that are applicable to and binding on all its visitors. 1. General Provisions 1.1. Website www.Minicarshop.lt (hereafter - Site) is owned and managed by Tom's slogan. 1.2. These rules - a written document, which is considered a contract between you and Minicarshop.lt (hereinafter -Lankytojas) regarding the use of the Web site, which is also and rules that must be followed by all visitors visited and (or) using any Web site and (or) any which of the services provided by it, including visitors, without undertaking the registration procedure (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Rules). 1.3. In these rules the term "use of the Web site" is understood as all and any action in the performance of visitors to your website in the electronic communications network using a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, etc.), And the term "service" - understood as all and any any visitor's performance, which he can do on the Web site, including web browsing (site content viewing, reading and so on.) after the Web site, participation in a live discussion forum, questions delivery using portal is a special module, check-in, buying on the Web site of goods, writing comments, and for all other activities on the Web site. 1.4. Unless otherwise stated, the use of the Web site and the service is free of charge. If the service is paid - about Web site visitors are informed additionally. 1.5. Visitor in any way and form using the Web site and (or) services, unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to comply with all the requirements stated. If the visitor does not agree unconditionally and irrevocably to accept and comply with all the rules laid down obligations visitor loses the right to use the Web site and (or) services. 1.6. Minicarshop.lt may at any time unilaterally amend and (or) supplement these Rules. Rule changes and (or) additions shall enter into force after its publication on the Web site. If the visitor after the rule changes and (or) Supplement of publication and continues to use the Web site and (or) services, it is considered that it is unequivocally agree with all the rules changes and (or) additions. If the visitor does not agree with the changed and (or) supplemented by the Rules, he loses the right to use the Web site and (or) services. 1.7. The issues are not discussed in these Rules are regulated by other site contains rules, contracts or other documents (hereinafter - documents) basis. Visitor in any way and form using the Web site and (or) services, unconditionally and irrevocably undertakes to comply with all requirements set out in the documents. If the visitor does not agree unconditionally and irrevocably to accept and comply with all obligations imposed by the documents, the visitor will lose the right to use the Site and (or) services. 2. Visitor registration and protection of personal data 2.1. The use or have full access to sites and services on the Web site is available only after the registration procedure. Registration procedure is done by pressing the appropriate link on the Web site, filling in all required registration form fields (name, email address, phone number, login password) and Visitor choice by filling in optional fields, thus providing information about themselves Minicarshop.lt (hereinafter - Data) . 2.2. Minicarshop.lt in all cases and without prior notification to cancel the registration of visitor and to destroy all the visitor registration procedure received data. 2.3. In carrying out the registration procedure visitor undertakes to provide only correct and complete data. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that Minicarshop.lt carry out its responsibilities and exercise its rights in accordance with the presumption that the visitors of the data is correct and complete. Minicarshop.lt in any case will not be held responsible for damage caused by the Visitor and (or) third parties because the visitor has told false and (or) incomplete data or did not change or add data will be changed. 2.4. Visitor categorically prohibited poaching other people's identity, showing a strange name and (or) other data. Nepaisančiam these requirements Minicarshop.lt visitor has the right to immediately and without prior notice to prohibit the use of the Web site and (or) services and, if reasonable suspicion exists that such action visitor has done or could do harm Minicarshop.lt third parties and (or) the public interest transfer all the data available on such visitors to the competent state authorities. 2.5. Visitor unconditionally undertake to ensure data confidentiality and not to disclose them to third parties and to ensure that no third party can not use the Web site to use the data for purposes and (or) services, and (or) other purposes. The visitor is responsible for any actions of third parties, if they were to make use of visitor data and all the obligations and responsibilities arising from or related to the third-person action, by taking advantage of visitor data in full only visitor there. 2.6. The visitor agrees unconditionally and unequivocally confirms that only he, and not Minicarshop.lt responsible for the data required for visitors to the Site or otherwise using the services, security and confidentiality. 2.7. Visitor unconditionally and irrevocably agree that Minicarshop.lt handle any visitor the personal data or other information and used that information for the purposes of these Regulations, service providers, direct marketing and statistical purposes and for other purposes. 2.8. The visitor agrees that the Web site after the registration process, the system automatically, the basis of the data created profile data are made available to other visitors (except those with access to visitor may itself restrict or, under Lithuanian law, can not be made public without the same consent ) and that Minicarshop.lt can not be held responsible for the use of such data. 2.9. Provisions establishing the protection of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy, which is contained in this Web site. The visitor using the Web site and (or) services unconditionally and unequivocally agree with the Privacy Policy. 3. Minicarshop.lt visitors and the rights and obligations 3.1. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right at any time by failing to change the Visitor Services or separate parts of any and all of their contents, functions, any information, including the following, which provide the visitor, and so on. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt never be held responsible for any of these and other similar actions caused negative effects and visitor refuses to express any claims Minicarshop.lt for such action. 3.2. The visitor acknowledges and agrees that he, rather than Minicarshop.lt, is responsible for all and any information, data, symbols, text, software, music, sound, photographs, images, graphics, video clips, interviews, messages, e-mails, documents or any other material sent by or in any other way to using the Web site and (or) services (hereinafter - Table of Contents). 3.3. Minicarshop.lt may at any time, without notice, for an indefinite period and without giving any reason to restrict or suspend access to the Web site visitor and (or) services. 3.4. The Parties agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time, without prior notice for the complete elimination of site activities. 3.5. The visitor has the right at any time to discontinue use of the Site and (or) services by depriving their data on the Web site follows. 3.6. By using the Web site and (or) services visitor must respect and violate the established behavior and moral norms, respect the legislation and third party rights and legitimate interests, including legislation governing the protection of intellectual property, personal data protection, the regulation of advertising and others. 3.7. By using the Web site and (or) services for visitors it is prohibited: 3.7.1. use of the Site and the Services in a manner that may endanger the Site and (or) services for the proper functioning of the security, integrity or limit others access to the Web site and (or) services; 3.7.2. store, post, upload, distribute or in any other way transmit any offensive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or acts contrary to the requirements of contents, as well as any other content that could violate the law requirements It is regarded as contrary to the norms established by the legislation or encourage behavior contrary legislative requirements or causing any legal responsibility Scootmaax.lt; 3.7.3. by any means to distribute links to any Content that may be considered obscene, pornographic, abusive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of legal requirements; 3.7.4. check the Web site to select and (or) using the user name and (or) e-mail address of which can be considered obscene, pornographic, abusive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of legal requirements; 3.7.5. impersonate any other person or entity, including, but not limited to Minicarshop.lt employees or otherwise misleading to express its relationship with any person; 3.7.6. use any automated means, including, but not limited to, additional computer equipment and (or) software for games and (or) the results of competitions organized by the sites to improve; 3.7.7. arbitrarily to organize their own competitions or promote any kind of products and (or) services; 3.7.8. interfere with normal communication between other visitors using the Services, stroke, otherwise adversely affect any action other visitors and their well-being, they interfere with bizarre content. 3.8. In addition to the above, the visitor undertakes not to use the Site and (or) Service: 3.8.1. any actions that could harm any persons, their property or legitimate interests to carry out; 3.8.2. legislation prohibited, abusive, fraudulent, threatening, infringing the rights of information, or any other similar content distribution; 3.8.3. in violation of the rights to intellectual property, including property and copyrights, patents, trade secrets or commercial or trademark rights; 3.8.4. any goods and (or) services advertising, as well as any unsolicited e-mails, posts, messages or other content distribution. 3.9. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that the visitor breach of any provision of these Rules, Minicarshop.lt entitled at any time, in whole or in part, to limit visitors the opportunity to in any way use the Web site and (or) all or any of the Services. 3:10. Visitor understands and agrees that if he wants to get a paid service, it first has to pay for paid services Minicarshop.lt specified order. Minicarshop.lt has the right to unilaterally change the fees for any of the paid services and the size of the payment order. 3:12. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt control over other visitors or third-party content, where visitors can get to learn to read or otherwise using the site and services, so Minicarshop.lt not guarantee the accuracy of the content, integrity, and (or) quality. 3.13. Visitor understands and agrees with the fact that by using the Web site and the Service visitor is not and can not be protected from abusive, obscene or otherwise negatively acting Visitor Content. 3.14. If the visitor has given his consent to his personal data for direct marketing purposes, in which case he understands and agrees with the fact that by using the Web site and (or) services visitor can get an unlimited amount of information, advertising and other types of content, which will Minicarshop. com or by third parties. Such content may be sent to all and any means, by any of the contact details of the visitor by the registration process. The visitor has the right to revoke the above consent. 3:15. The visitor has the right to comment on the Web site as well as any other available means to communicate with other visitors, as well as express their opinion about the site provides content and service available. Visitor unconditionally represent and warrant that any comments submitted by his or any other information, data or other content satisfy the following requirements: 3.15.1. will be correct, accurate, neapgaulingas or otherwise misleading; 3.15.2. Minicarshop.lt or infringe rights of third parties, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights to trade secrets, rights to personal privacy, etc .; 3.15.3. violate laws or other regulatory requirements; 3.15.4. will not create any legal obligations Minicarshop.lt. 3.16. Visitor understands and agrees that all personal visitor information (including, but not limited to data) and the entire contents of which he, by any means using the Web site and (or) services, can be stored Minicarshop.lt all visits to the website time and again 3 (three) years from the visitor (customer) last visit the website (store) www.Minicarshop.lt. Personal data may be processed for a longer period if required by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts. 3.17. The visitor realizes that he himself, and not Minicarshop.lt is responsible for any and all Content that you send to visitor review, time or platinum using the Web site and (or) services. 3.18. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and delete any visitor's comments about him without notice. 3.19. By using the Web site and (or) services, and providing, by entering or otherwise sending content that visitors free of charge for an unlimited time and unlimited territory Minicarshop.lt gives the following exclusive rights: 3.19.1. right in any form or by any means to reproduce, publish, publicly announce, make available to the public and distribute the sale, rental, lending or other transfer of ownership or management of the Visitor's information in any form or language; 3.19.2. the right to create derivative works from the content provided by the Visitor; 3.19.3. in any form and in the form of free use by the content, including, but not limited to the Visitor's ideas, suggestions or ideas for use or Minicarshop.lt other person. 4. To purchase items on the Web site 4.1. The visitor may want to purchase goods of finding your items in the electronic catalog (hereinafter - El. Catalog). E. catalog all items arranged by categories. To see a more detailed description of a particular product, the visitor must click on its name. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right at any time and by failing to change the Visitor E. catalog the items, descriptions, prices and so on. As a rule, all E. existing catalog of goods available for purchase. However Minicarshop.lt not responsible for this, if E. product catalog will be available, but visitors can not actually buy it. 4.2. All prices are indicated in litas. E. catalog price is final, that it is already included in all fees. The cost of delivery to the above price does not include goods and depend on the total order amount. Delivery procedures and conditions (including fees) is provided on the Web site. 4.3. The visitor chooses E. product catalog and decided to buy it, can do so by pressing on a special badge that says "Buy Now". Clicking on the "Buy Now", the item is included in the visitor purchases goods sąrašą- basket. "Basket" of goods contained in the visitor can view and edit its contents, ie to add new items or remove existing ones, to calculate the total price of selected items and so on. 4.4. The visitor wants to get a "basket" of goods from the can do so by pressing on a special badge that says "info". If the visitor is already registered on the site, he needs to make connection to the site procedure if the visitor is not registered, you need to click on the icon that says "CONTINUE" and perform the registration procedure. Registration on the Web site and the purchase procedure is completely safe. Minicarshop.lt strictly comply with data protection and security requirements. Provisions establishing the protection of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy, which is contained in this Web site. 4.5. The visitor, ordered goods must provide an address to which the goods are to be delivered and choose the way of payment for the goods. Referring to the address and choosing the method of payment, and the visitor can submit their comments, including whether he will require an invoice. After ordering form filling and confirmation e-mail sent to the visitor a confirmation email with all necessary payment information and order a unique identification number. This confirmation must save the visitor, because it is a proof of the order placed by visitors. 4.6. The selected items can pay the visitor making the deposit into the bank account on the Web site. The order can be made via online banking or in one of the bank branches. The visitor, a payment is made, the order must specify the identification number and your name. 4.7. Minicarshop.lt, upon payment of the visitor sends confirmation that the order is carried out, and started shipping goods ordered Visitor procedure. About ordering expulsion visitor is informed by e-mail. If the goods ordered at time of booking are warehouses, they are delivered within 2-5 business days after payment confirmation. If the goods are not delivered within that time Minicarshop.lt can be held responsible for it, but if it was due to the direct fault. The non-delivery of goods for courier services to persons providing fault liability before visitors simply carries courier-service person. 4.8. Minicarshop.lt responsibility for the quality of the goods, the warranty terms and other similar issues reinforces the visitor (the buyer) is signed (the confirmation) sale and purchase agreement, whose terms shall prevail over these Terms. 5. Intellectual property protection 5.1. All rights to the Web site, and it works in the Republic of Lithuania are protected by laws and regulations. No sites in content or other information may not be reproduced, is made available to the public or distributed without the prior written consent of Minicarshop.lt. 5.2. All trademarks that are presented on the Web site are the property of Minicarshop.lt Minicarshop.lt or use them in accordance with contractual or other legal authority thereby with transaction-based, consisting of the legitimate brand owners (users). 6. Minicarshop.lt limitation of liability 6.1. The visitor agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt not and will not be responsible for the site and (or) Service malfunctions and for the visitor or third party loss or damage. 6.2. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Services are provided without any warranty of Minicarshop.lt side due to the operation of the website and its services will be provided in an appropriate and timely manner and without disruption, quality full extent or that it will not cause any negative impact on the visitor or third parties. 6.3. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any damage and (or) damage which may be incurred by using the Web site visitor and (or) services, and recharging by sending in any other way transmitted or making available to the public any Content. 6.4. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt will not be liable for any way visitors or other third parties reaching Content Visitor use of the Web site and (or) services, including, but not limited to, any errors or discrepancies such content, loss or damage which cause the content or the content of such publication, receiving, sending or otherwise transfer use of the Services. 6.5. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt never and for any reason can not be held responsible for any and all of their actions or omissions related to the visitor's use of the Web site and (or) services, and the rules. The visitor assumes full responsibility for any kind of damages or compensation to which he or a third person may appear in any way a visitor through the Web site and (or) services. 6.6. The visitor undertakes to ensure that Minicarshop.lt never be any legal responsibility, the obligation to pay, reimburse or otherwise compensate for any loss, damage or other expenses incurred due to the use of visitor sites and (or) services. 7. advertising and informational messages 7.1. Minicarshop.lt all promotional and informational messages, requirements, applications and other information to the visitor registration process, the specified e-mail address or any other way, the visitor can be achieved, depending on the service being used. All under these Rules shall be considered a visitor sent information to get visitors after 5 hours from the moment of dispatch. 7.2. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any and all internet communications, email service providers, networks or other disorders for which a visitor receives information or supporting e-mails from Minicarshop.lt. The Parties agree that an e-mail or other notification to the visitor copies presence Minicarshop.lt server (database or other appropriate information-storing device) is adequate proof of any information Visitor shipment. 7.3. All messages, requirements, requests and questions from site visitor sends in the "contact" referred to in the contact addresses. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1. Rules are subject to the law of the Republic of Lithuania. 8.2. If any provision of these Rules is against the law, or for any reason become completely or partially invalid, it does not void the remaining provisions of the Rules. In this case, Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree to replace the invalid provision in a legally effective rate, which, as far as possible, have the same legal and economic result as the converted rate. 8.3. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time transfer its rights and obligations arising from these Regulations to third parties without the visitor's consent and without informing him about it. 8.4. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that these Rules shall supersede all visitor sites accessible explanations and descriptions of services with respect, but also due to the fact that all disputes between the parties will be settled in accordance with these Rules. 8.5. All the visitor's and Minicarshop.lt disagreements on the implementation of these rules are resolved by negotiations. Parties without resolving the dispute through negotiation within fifteen (15) days from the date on which one of the parties gave the other party a written request to resolve the dispute, such dispute shall be finally settled in the Republic of Lithuania according to the law courts for Minicarshop.lt seat. lt manage any visitor the personal data or other information and used that information for the purposes of these Regulations, service providers, direct marketing and statistical purposes and for other purposes. 2.8. The visitor agrees that the Web site after the registration process, the system automatically, the basis of the data created profile data are made available to other visitors (except those with access to visitor may itself restrict or, under Lithuanian law, can not be made public without the same consent ) and that Minicarshop.lt can not be held responsible for the use of such data. 2.9. Provisions establishing the protection of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy, which is contained in this Web site. The visitor using the Web site and (or) services unconditionally and unequivocally agree with the Privacy Policy. 3. Minicarshop.lt visitors and the rights and obligations 3.1. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right at any time by failing to change the Visitor Services or separate parts of any and all of their contents, functions, any information, including the following, which provide the visitor, and so on. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt never be held responsible for any of these and other similar actions caused negative effects and visitor refuses to express any claims Minicarshop.lt for such action. 3.2. The visitor acknowledges and agrees that he, rather than Minicarshop.lt, is responsible for all and any information, data, symbols, text, software, music, sound, photographs, images, graphics, video clips, interviews, messages, e-mails, documents or any other material sent by or in any other way to using the Web site and (or) services (hereinafter - Table of Contents). 3.3. Minicarshop.lt may at any time, without notice, for an indefinite period and without giving any reason to restrict or suspend access to the Web site visitor and (or) services. 3.4. The Parties agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time, without prior notice for the complete elimination of site activities. 3.5. The visitor has the right at any time to discontinue use of the Site and (or) services by depriving their data on the Web site follows. 3.6. By using the Web site and (or) services visitor must respect and violate the established behavior and moral norms, respect the legislation and third party rights and legitimate interests, including legislation governing the protection of intellectual property, personal data protection, the regulation of advertising and others. 3.7. By using the Web site and (or) services for visitors it is prohibited: 3.7.1. use of the Site and the Services in a manner that may endanger the Site and (or) services for the proper functioning of the security, integrity or limit others access to the Web site and (or) services; 3.7.2. store, post, upload, distribute or in any other way transmit any offensive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or acts contrary to the requirements of contents, as well as any other content that could violate the law requirements It is regarded as contrary to the norms established by the legislation or encourage behavior contrary legislative requirements or causing any legal responsibility Scootmaax.lt; 3.7.3. by any means to distribute links to any Content that may be considered obscene, pornographic, abusive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of legal requirements; 3.7.4. check the Web site to select and (or) using the user name and (or) e-mail address of which can be considered obscene, pornographic, abusive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of legal requirements; 3.7.5. impersonate any other person or entity, including, but not limited to Minicarshop.lt employees or otherwise misleading to express its relationship with any person; 3.7.6. use any automated means, including, but not limited to, additional computer equipment and (or) software for games and (or) the results of competitions organized by the sites to improve; 3.7.7. arbitrarily to organize their own competitions or promote any kind of products and (or) services; 3.7.8. interfere with normal communication between other visitors using the Services, stroke, otherwise adversely affect any action other visitors and their well-being, they interfere with bizarre content. 3.8. In addition to the above, the visitor undertakes not to use the Site and (or) Service: 3.8.1. any actions that could harm any persons, their property or legitimate interests to carry out; 3.8.2. legislation prohibited, abusive, fraudulent, threatening, infringing the rights of information, or any other similar content distribution; 3.8.3. in violation of the rights to intellectual property, including property and copyrights, patents, trade secrets or commercial or trademark rights; 3.8.4. any goods and (or) services advertising, as well as any unsolicited e-mails, posts, messages or other content distribution. 3.9. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that the visitor breach of any provision of these Rules, Minicarshop.lt entitled at any time, in whole or in part, to limit visitors the opportunity to in any way use the Web site and (or) all or any of the Services. 3:10. Visitor understands and agrees that if he wants to get a paid service, it first has to pay for paid services Minicarshop.lt specified order. Minicarshop.lt has the right to unilaterally change the fees for any of the paid services and the size of the payment order. 3:12. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt control over other visitors or third-party content, where visitors can get to learn to read or otherwise using the site and services, so Minicarshop.lt not guarantee the accuracy of the content, integrity, and (or) quality. 3.13. Visitor understands and agrees with the fact that by using the Web site and the Service visitor is not and can not be protected from abusive, obscene or otherwise negatively acting Visitor Content. 3.14. If the visitor has given his consent to his personal data for direct marketing purposes, in which case he understands and agrees with the fact that by using the Web site and (or) services visitor can get an unlimited amount of information, advertising and other types of content, which will Minicarshop. com or by third parties. Such content may be sent to all and any means, by any of the contact details of the visitor by the registration process. The visitor has the right to revoke the above consent. 3:15. The visitor has the right to comment on the Web site as well as any other available means to communicate with other visitors, as well as express their opinion about the site provides content and service available. Visitor unconditionally represent and warrant that any comments submitted by his or any other information, data or other content satisfy the following requirements: 3.15.1. will be correct, accurate, neapgaulingas or otherwise misleading; 3.15.2. Minicarshop.lt or infringe rights of third parties, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights to trade secrets, rights to personal privacy, etc .; 3.15.3. violate laws or other regulatory requirements; 3.15.4. will not create any legal obligations Minicarshop.lt. 3.16. Visitor understands and agrees that all personal visitor information (including, but not limited to data) and the entire contents of which he, by any means using the Web site and (or) services, can be stored Minicarshop.lt all visits to the website time and again 3 (three) years from the visitor (customer) last visit the website (store) www.Minicarshop.lt. Personal data may be processed for a longer period if required by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts. 3.17. The visitor realizes that he himself, and not Minicarshop.lt is responsible for any and all Content that you send to visitor review, time or platinum using the Web site and (or) services. 3.18. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and delete any visitor's comments about him without notice. 3.19. By using the Web site and (or) services, and providing, by entering or otherwise sending content that visitors free of charge for an unlimited time and unlimited territory Minicarshop.lt gives the following exclusive rights: 3.19.1. right in any form or by any means to reproduce, publish, publicly announce, make available to the public and distribute the sale, rental, lending or other transfer of ownership or management of the Visitor's information in any form or language; 3.19.2. the right to create derivative works from the content provided by the Visitor; 3.19.3. in any form and in the form of free use by the content, including, but not limited to the Visitor's ideas, suggestions or ideas for use or Minicarshop.lt other person. 4. To purchase items on the Web site 4.1. The visitor may want to purchase goods of finding your items in the electronic catalog (hereinafter - El. Catalog). E. catalog all items arranged by categories. To see a more detailed description of a particular product, the visitor must click on its name. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right at any time and by failing to change the Visitor E. catalog the items, descriptions, prices and so on. As a rule, all E. existing catalog of goods available for purchase. However Minicarshop.lt not responsible for this, if E. product catalog will be available, but visitors can not actually buy it. 4.2. All prices are indicated in litas. E. catalog price is final, that it is already included in all fees. The cost of delivery to the above price does not include goods and depend on the total order amount. Delivery procedures and conditions (including fees) is provided on the Web site. 4.3. The visitor chooses E. product catalog and decided to buy it, can do so by pressing on a special badge that says "Buy Now". Clicking on the "Buy Now", the item is included in the visitor purchases goods sąrašą- basket. "Basket" of goods contained in the visitor can view and edit its contents, ie to add new items or remove existing ones, to calculate the total price of selected items and so on. 4.4. The visitor wants to get a "basket" of goods from the can do so by pressing on a special badge that says "info". If the visitor is already registered on the site, he needs to make connection to the site procedure if the visitor is not registered, you need to click on the icon that says "CONTINUE" and perform the registration procedure. Registration on the Web site and the purchase procedure is completely safe. Minicarshop.lt strictly comply with data protection and security requirements. Provisions establishing the protection of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy, which is contained in this Web site. 4.5. The visitor, ordered goods must provide an address to which the goods are to be delivered and choose the way of payment for the goods. Referring to the address and choosing the method of payment, and the visitor can submit their comments, including whether he will require an invoice. After ordering form filling and confirmation e-mail sent to the visitor a confirmation email with all necessary payment information and order a unique identification number. This confirmation must save the visitor, because it is a proof of the order placed by visitors. 4.6. The selected items can pay the visitor making the deposit into the bank account on the Web site. The order can be made via online banking or in one of the bank branches. The visitor, a payment is made, the order must specify the identification number and your name. 4.7. Minicarshop.lt, upon payment of the visitor sends confirmation that the order is carried out, and started shipping goods ordered Visitor procedure. About ordering expulsion visitor is informed by e-mail. If the goods ordered at time of booking are warehouses, they are delivered within 2-5 business days after payment confirmation. If the goods are not delivered within that time Minicarshop.lt can be held responsible for it, but if it was due to the direct fault. The non-delivery of goods for courier services to persons providing fault liability before visitors simply carries courier-service person. 4.8. Minicarshop.lt responsibility for the quality of the goods, the warranty terms and other similar issues reinforces the visitor (the buyer) is signed (the confirmation) sale and purchase agreement, whose terms shall prevail over these Terms. 5. Intellectual property protection 5.1. All rights to the Web site, and it works in the Republic of Lithuania are protected by laws and regulations. No sites in content or other information may not be reproduced, is made available to the public or distributed without the prior written consent of Minicarshop.lt. 5.2. All trademarks that are presented on the Web site are the property of Minicarshop.lt Minicarshop.lt or use them in accordance with contractual or other legal authority thereby with transaction-based, consisting of the legitimate brand owners (users). 6. Minicarshop.lt limitation of liability 6.1. The visitor agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt not and will not be responsible for the site and (or) Service malfunctions and for the visitor or third party loss or damage. 6.2. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Services are provided without any warranty of Minicarshop.lt side due to the operation of the website and its services will be provided in an appropriate and timely manner and without disruption, quality full extent or that it will not cause any negative impact on the visitor or third parties. 6.3. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any damage and (or) damage which may be incurred by using the Web site visitor and (or) services, and recharging by sending in any other way transmitted or making available to the public any Content. 6.4. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt will not be liable for any way visitors or other third parties reaching Content Visitor use of the Web site and (or) services, including, but not limited to, any errors or discrepancies such content, loss or damage which cause the content or the content of such publication, receiving, sending or otherwise transfer use of the Services. 6.5. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt never and for any reason can not be held responsible for any and all of their actions or omissions related to the visitor's use of the Web site and (or) services, and the rules. The visitor assumes full responsibility for any kind of damages or compensation to which he or a third person may appear in any way a visitor through the Web site and (or) services. 6.6. The visitor undertakes to ensure that Minicarshop.lt never be any legal responsibility, the obligation to pay, reimburse or otherwise compensate for any loss, damage or other expenses incurred due to the use of visitor sites and (or) services. 7. advertising and informational messages 7.1. Minicarshop.lt all promotional and informational messages, requirements, applications and other information to the visitor registration process, the specified e-mail address or any other way, the visitor can be achieved, depending on the service being used. All under these Rules shall be considered a visitor sent information to get visitors after 5 hours from the moment of dispatch. 7.2. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any and all internet communications, email service providers, networks or other disorders for which a visitor receives information or supporting e-mails from Minicarshop.lt. The Parties agree that an e-mail or other notification to the visitor copies presence Minicarshop.lt server (database or other appropriate information-storing device) is adequate proof of any information Visitor shipment. 7.3. All messages, requirements, requests and questions from site visitor sends in the "contact" referred to in the contact addresses. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1. Rules are subject to the law of the Republic of Lithuania. 8.2. If any provision of these Rules is against the law, or for any reason become completely or partially invalid, it does not void the remaining provisions of the Rules. In this case, Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree to replace the invalid provision in a legally effective rate, which, as far as possible, have the same legal and economic result as the converted rate. 8.3. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time transfer its rights and obligations arising from these Regulations to third parties without the visitor's consent and without informing him about it. 8.4. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that these Rules shall supersede all visitor sites accessible explanations and descriptions of services with respect, but also due to the fact that all disputes between the parties will be settled in accordance with these Rules. 8.5. All the visitor's and Minicarshop.lt disagreements on the implementation of these rules are resolved by negotiations. Parties without resolving the dispute through negotiation within fifteen (15) days from the date on which one of the parties gave the other party a written request to resolve the dispute, such dispute shall be finally settled in the Republic of Lithuania according to the law courts for Minicarshop.lt seat. lt manage any visitor the personal data or other information and used that information for the purposes of these Regulations, service providers, direct marketing and statistical purposes and for other purposes. 2.8. The visitor agrees that the Web site after the registration process, the system automatically, the basis of the data created profile data are made available to other visitors (except those with access to visitor may itself restrict or, under Lithuanian law, can not be made public without the same consent ) and that Minicarshop.lt can not be held responsible for the use of such data. 2.9. Provisions establishing the protection of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy, which is contained in this Web site. The visitor using the Web site and (or) services unconditionally and unequivocally agree with the Privacy Policy. 3. Minicarshop.lt visitors and the rights and obligations 3.1. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right at any time by failing to change the Visitor Services or separate parts of any and all of their contents, functions, any information, including the following, which provide the visitor, and so on. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt never be held responsible for any of these and other similar actions caused negative effects and visitor refuses to express any claims Minicarshop.lt for such action. 3.2. The visitor acknowledges and agrees that he, rather than Minicarshop.lt, is responsible for all and any information, data, symbols, text, software, music, sound, photographs, images, graphics, video clips, interviews, messages, e-mails, documents or any other material sent by or in any other way to using the Web site and (or) services (hereinafter - Table of Contents). 3.3. Minicarshop.lt may at any time, without notice, for an indefinite period and without giving any reason to restrict or suspend access to the Web site visitor and (or) services. 3.4. The Parties agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time, without prior notice for the complete elimination of site activities. 3.5. The visitor has the right at any time to discontinue use of the Site and (or) services by depriving their data on the Web site follows. 3.6. By using the Web site and (or) services visitor must respect and violate the established behavior and moral norms, respect the legislation and third party rights and legitimate interests, including legislation governing the protection of intellectual property, personal data protection, the regulation of advertising and others. 3.7. By using the Web site and (or) services for visitors it is prohibited: 3.7.1. use of the Site and the Services in a manner that may endanger the Site and (or) services for the proper functioning of the security, integrity or limit others access to the Web site and (or) services; 3.7.2. store, post, upload, distribute or in any other way transmit any offensive, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or acts contrary to the requirements of contents, as well as any other content that could violate the law requirements It is regarded as contrary to the norms established by the legislation or encourage behavior contrary legislative requirements or causing any legal responsibility Scootmaax.lt; 3.7.3. by any means to distribute links to any Content that may be considered obscene, pornographic, abusive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of legal requirements; 3.7.4. check the Web site to select and (or) using the user name and (or) e-mail address of which can be considered obscene, pornographic, abusive, threatening, abusive, discriminatory or in breach of legal requirements; 3.7.5. impersonate any other person or entity, including, but not limited to Minicarshop.lt employees or otherwise misleading to express its relationship with any person; 3.7.6. use any automated means, including, but not limited to, additional computer equipment and (or) software for games and (or) the results of competitions organized by the sites to improve; 3.7.7. arbitrarily to organize their own competitions or promote any kind of products and (or) services; 3.7.8. interfere with normal communication between other visitors using the Services, stroke, otherwise adversely affect any action other visitors and their well-being, they interfere with bizarre content. 3.8. In addition to the above, the visitor undertakes not to use the Site and (or) Service: 3.8.1. any actions that could harm any persons, their property or legitimate interests to carry out; 3.8.2. legislation prohibited, abusive, fraudulent, threatening, infringing the rights of information, or any other similar content distribution; 3.8.3. in violation of the rights to intellectual property, including property and copyrights, patents, trade secrets or commercial or trademark rights; 3.8.4. any goods and (or) services advertising, as well as any unsolicited e-mails, posts, messages or other content distribution. 3.9. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that the visitor breach of any provision of these Rules, Minicarshop.lt entitled at any time, in whole or in part, to limit visitors the opportunity to in any way use the Web site and (or) all or any of the Services. 3:10. Visitor understands and agrees that if he wants to get a paid service, it first has to pay for paid services Minicarshop.lt specified order. Minicarshop.lt has the right to unilaterally change the fees for any of the paid services and the size of the payment order. 3:12. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt control over other visitors or third-party content, where visitors can get to learn to read or otherwise using the site and services, so Minicarshop.lt not guarantee the accuracy of the content, integrity, and (or) quality. 3.13. Visitor understands and agrees with the fact that by using the Web site and the Service visitor is not and can not be protected from abusive, obscene or otherwise negatively acting Visitor Content. 3.14. If the visitor has given his consent to his personal data for direct marketing purposes, in which case he understands and agrees with the fact that by using the Web site and (or) services visitor can get an unlimited amount of information, advertising and other types of content, which will Minicarshop. com or by third parties. Such content may be sent to all and any means, by any of the contact details of the visitor by the registration process. The visitor has the right to revoke the above consent. 3:15. The visitor has the right to comment on the Web site as well as any other available means to communicate with other visitors, as well as express their opinion about the site provides content and service available. Visitor unconditionally represent and warrant that any comments submitted by his or any other information, data or other content satisfy the following requirements: 3.15.1. will be correct, accurate, neapgaulingas or otherwise misleading; 3.15.2. Minicarshop.lt or infringe rights of third parties, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights to trade secrets, rights to personal privacy, etc .; 3.15.3. violate laws or other regulatory requirements; 3.15.4. will not create any legal obligations Minicarshop.lt. 3.16. Visitor understands and agrees that all personal visitor information (including, but not limited to data) and the entire contents of which he, by any means using the Web site and (or) services, can be stored Minicarshop.lt all visits to the website time and again 3 (three) years from the visitor (customer) last visit the website (store) www.Minicarshop.lt. Personal data may be processed for a longer period if required by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and other legal acts. 3.17. The visitor realizes that he himself, and not Minicarshop.lt is responsible for any and all Content that you send to visitor review, time or platinum using the Web site and (or) services. 3.18. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and delete any visitor's comments about him without notice. 3.19. By using the Web site and (or) services, and providing, by entering or otherwise sending content that visitors free of charge for an unlimited time and unlimited territory Minicarshop.lt gives the following exclusive rights: 3.19.1. right in any form or by any means to reproduce, publish, publicly announce, make available to the public and distribute the sale, rental, lending or other transfer of ownership or management of the Visitor's information in any form or language; 3.19.2. the right to create derivative works from the content provided by the Visitor; 3.19.3. in any form and in the form of free use by the content, including, but not limited to the Visitor's ideas, suggestions or ideas for use or Minicarshop.lt other person. 4. To purchase items on the Web site 4.1. The visitor may want to purchase goods of finding your items in the electronic catalog (hereinafter - El. Catalog). E. catalog all items arranged by categories. To see a more detailed description of a particular product, the visitor must click on its name. Minicarshop.lt reserves the right at any time and by failing to change the Visitor E. catalog the items, descriptions, prices and so on. As a rule, all E. existing catalog of goods available for purchase. However Minicarshop.lt not responsible for this, if E. product catalog will be available, but visitors can not actually buy it. 4.2. All prices are indicated in litas. E. catalog price is final, that it is already included in all fees. The cost of delivery to the above price does not include goods and depend on the total order amount. Delivery procedures and conditions (including fees) is provided on the Web site. 4.3. The visitor chooses E. product catalog and decided to buy it, can do so by pressing on a special badge that says "Buy Now". Clicking on the "Buy Now", the item is included in the visitor purchases goods sąrašą- basket. "Basket" of goods contained in the visitor can view and edit its contents, ie to add new items or remove existing ones, to calculate the total price of selected items and so on. 4.4. The visitor wants to get a "basket" of goods from the can do so by pressing on a special badge that says "info". If the visitor is already registered on the site, he needs to make connection to the site procedure if the visitor is not registered, you need to click on the icon that says "CONTINUE" and perform the registration procedure. Registration on the Web site and the purchase procedure is completely safe. Minicarshop.lt strictly comply with data protection and security requirements. Provisions establishing the protection of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy, which is contained in this Web site. 4.5. The visitor, ordered goods must provide an address to which the goods are to be delivered and choose the way of payment for the goods. Referring to the address and choosing the method of payment, and the visitor can submit their comments, including whether he will require an invoice. After ordering form filling and confirmation e-mail sent to the visitor a confirmation email with all necessary payment information and order a unique identification number. This confirmation must save the visitor, because it is a proof of the order placed by visitors. 4.6. The selected items can pay the visitor making the deposit into the bank account on the Web site. The order can be made via online banking or in one of the bank branches. The visitor, a payment is made, the order must specify the identification number and your name. 4.7. Minicarshop.lt, upon payment of the visitor sends confirmation that the order is carried out, and started shipping goods ordered Visitor procedure. About ordering expulsion visitor is informed by e-mail. If the goods ordered at time of booking are warehouses, they are delivered within 2-5 business days after payment confirmation. If the goods are not delivered within that time Minicarshop.lt can be held responsible for it, but if it was due to the direct fault. The non-delivery of goods for courier services to persons providing fault liability before visitors simply carries courier-service person. 4.8. Minicarshop.lt responsibility for the quality of the goods, the warranty terms and other similar issues reinforces the visitor (the buyer) is signed (the confirmation) sale and purchase agreement, whose terms shall prevail over these Terms. 5. Intellectual property protection 5.1. All rights to the Web site, and it works in the Republic of Lithuania are protected by laws and regulations. No sites in content or other information may not be reproduced, is made available to the public or distributed without the prior written consent of Minicarshop.lt. 5.2. All trademarks that are presented on the Web site are the property of Minicarshop.lt Minicarshop.lt or use them in accordance with contractual or other legal authority thereby with transaction-based, consisting of the legitimate brand owners (users). 6. Minicarshop.lt limitation of liability 6.1. The visitor agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt not and will not be responsible for the site and (or) Service malfunctions and for the visitor or third party loss or damage. 6.2. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Services are provided without any warranty of Minicarshop.lt side due to the operation of the website and its services will be provided in an appropriate and timely manner and without disruption, quality full extent or that it will not cause any negative impact on the visitor or third parties. 6.3. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any damage and (or) damage which may be incurred by using the Web site visitor and (or) services, and recharging by sending in any other way transmitted or making available to the public any Content. 6.4. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt will not be liable for any way visitors or other third parties reaching Content Visitor use of the Web site and (or) services, including, but not limited to, any errors or discrepancies such content, loss or damage which cause the content or the content of such publication, receiving, sending or otherwise transfer use of the Services. 6.5. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt never and for any reason can not be held responsible for any and all of their actions or omissions related to the visitor's use of the Web site and (or) services, and the rules. The visitor assumes full responsibility for any kind of damages or compensation to which he or a third person may appear in any way a visitor through the Web site and (or) services. 6.6. The visitor undertakes to ensure that Minicarshop.lt never be any legal responsibility, the obligation to pay, reimburse or otherwise compensate for any loss, damage or other expenses incurred due to the use of visitor sites and (or) services. 7. advertising and informational messages 7.1. Minicarshop.lt all promotional and informational messages, requirements, applications and other information to the visitor registration process, the specified e-mail address or any other way, the visitor can be achieved, depending on the service being used. All under these Rules shall be considered a visitor sent information to get visitors after 5 hours from the moment of dispatch. 7.2. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any and all internet communications, email service providers, networks or other disorders for which a visitor receives information or supporting e-mails from Minicarshop.lt. The Parties agree that an e-mail or other notification to the visitor copies presence Minicarshop.lt server (database or other appropriate information-storing device) is adequate proof of any information Visitor shipment. 7.3. All messages, requirements, requests and questions from site visitor sends in the "contact" referred to in the contact addresses. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1. Rules are subject to the law of the Republic of Lithuania. 8.2. If any provision of these Rules is against the law, or for any reason become completely or partially invalid, it does not void the remaining provisions of the Rules. In this case, Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree to replace the invalid provision in a legally effective rate, which, as far as possible, have the same legal and economic result as the converted rate. 8.3. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time transfer its rights and obligations arising from these Regulations to third parties without the visitor's consent and without informing him about it. 8.4. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that these Rules shall supersede all visitor sites accessible explanations and descriptions of services with respect, but also due to the fact that all disputes between the parties will be settled in accordance with these Rules. 8.5. All the visitor's and Minicarshop.lt disagreements on the implementation of these rules are resolved by negotiations. Parties without resolving the dispute through negotiation within fifteen (15) days from the date on which one of the parties gave the other party a written request to resolve the dispute, such dispute shall be finally settled in the Republic of Lithuania according to the law courts for Minicarshop.lt seat. must specify the address to which the goods are to be delivered and choose the way of payment for goods. Referring to the address and choosing the method of payment, and the visitor can submit their comments, including whether he will require an invoice. After ordering form filling and confirmation e-mail sent to the visitor a confirmation email with all necessary payment information and order a unique identification number. This confirmation must save the visitor, because it is a proof of the order placed by visitors. 4.6. The selected items can pay the visitor making the deposit into the bank account on the Web site. The order can be made via online banking or in one of the bank branches. The visitor, a payment is made, the order must specify the identification number and your name. 4.7. Minicarshop.lt, upon payment of the visitor sends confirmation that the order is carried out, and started shipping goods ordered Visitor procedure. About ordering expulsion visitor is informed by e-mail. If the goods ordered at time of booking are warehouses, they are delivered within 2-5 business days after payment confirmation. If the goods are not delivered within that time Minicarshop.lt can be held responsible for it, but if it was due to the direct fault. The non-delivery of goods for courier services to persons providing fault liability before visitors simply carries courier-service person. 4.8. Minicarshop.lt responsibility for the quality of the goods, the warranty terms and other similar issues reinforces the visitor (the buyer) is signed (the confirmation) sale and purchase agreement, whose terms shall prevail over these Terms. 5. Intellectual property protection 5.1. All rights to the Web site, and it works in the Republic of Lithuania are protected by laws and regulations. No sites in content or other information may not be reproduced, is made available to the public or distributed without the prior written consent of Minicarshop.lt. 5.2. All trademarks that are presented on the Web site are the property of Minicarshop.lt Minicarshop.lt or use them in accordance with contractual or other legal authority thereby with transaction-based, consisting of the legitimate brand owners (users). 6. Minicarshop.lt limitation of liability 6.1. The visitor agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt not and will not be responsible for the site and (or) Service malfunctions and for the visitor or third party loss or damage. 6.2. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Services are provided without any warranty of Minicarshop.lt side due to the operation of the website and its services will be provided in an appropriate and timely manner and without disruption, quality full extent or that it will not cause any negative impact on the visitor or third parties. 6.3. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any damage and (or) damage which may be incurred by using the Web site visitor and (or) services, and recharging by sending in any other way transmitted or making available to the public any Content. 6.4. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt will not be liable for any way visitors or other third parties reaching Content Visitor use of the Web site and (or) services, including, but not limited to, any errors or discrepancies such content, loss or damage which cause the content or the content of such publication, receiving, sending or otherwise transfer use of the Services. 6.5. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt never and for any reason can not be held responsible for any and all of their actions or omissions related to the visitor's use of the Web site and (or) services, and the rules. The visitor assumes full responsibility for any kind of damages or compensation to which he or a third person may appear in any way a visitor through the Web site and (or) services. 6.6. The visitor undertakes to ensure that Minicarshop.lt never be any legal responsibility, the obligation to pay, reimburse or otherwise compensate for any loss, damage or other expenses incurred due to the use of visitor sites and (or) services. 7. advertising and informational messages 7.1. Minicarshop.lt all promotional and informational messages, requirements, applications and other information to the visitor registration process, the specified e-mail address or any other way, the visitor can be achieved, depending on the service being used. All under these Rules shall be considered a visitor sent information to get visitors after 5 hours from the moment of dispatch. 7.2. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any and all internet communications, email service providers, networks or other disorders for which a visitor receives information or supporting e-mails from Minicarshop.lt. The Parties agree that an e-mail or other notification to the visitor copies presence Minicarshop.lt server (database or other appropriate information-storing device) is adequate proof of any information Visitor shipment. 7.3. All messages, requirements, requests and questions from site visitor sends in the "contact" referred to in the contact addresses. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1. Rules are subject to the law of the Republic of Lithuania. 8.2. If any provision of these Rules is against the law, or for any reason become completely or partially invalid, it does not void the remaining provisions of the Rules. In this case, Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree to replace the invalid provision in a legally effective rate, which, as far as possible, have the same legal and economic result as the converted rate. 8.3. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time transfer its rights and obligations arising from these Regulations to third parties without the visitor's consent and without informing him about it. 8.4. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that these Rules shall supersede all visitor sites accessible explanations and descriptions of services with respect, but also due to the fact that all disputes between the parties will be settled in accordance with these Rules. 8.5. All the visitor's and Minicarshop.lt disagreements on the implementation of these rules are resolved by negotiations. Parties without resolving the dispute through negotiation within fifteen (15) days from the date on which one of the parties gave the other party a written request to resolve the dispute, such dispute shall be finally settled in the Republic of Lithuania according to the law courts for Minicarshop.lt seat. must specify the address to which the goods are to be delivered and choose the way of payment for goods. Referring to the address and choosing the method of payment, and the visitor can submit their comments, including whether he will require an invoice. After ordering form filling and confirmation e-mail sent to the visitor a confirmation email with all necessary payment information and order a unique identification number. This confirmation must save the visitor, because it is a proof of the order placed by visitors. 4.6. The selected items can pay the visitor making the deposit into the bank account on the Web site. The order can be made via online banking or in one of the bank branches. The visitor, a payment is made, the order must specify the identification number and your name. 4.7. Minicarshop.lt, upon payment of the visitor sends confirmation that the order is carried out, and started shipping goods ordered Visitor procedure. About ordering expulsion visitor is informed by e-mail. If the goods ordered at time of booking are warehouses, they are delivered within 2-5 business days after payment confirmation. If the goods are not delivered within that time Minicarshop.lt can be held responsible for it, but if it was due to the direct fault. The non-delivery of goods for courier services to persons providing fault liability before visitors simply carries courier-service person. 4.8. Minicarshop.lt responsibility for the quality of the goods, the warranty terms and other similar issues reinforces the visitor (the buyer) is signed (the confirmation) sale and purchase agreement, whose terms shall prevail over these Terms. 5. Intellectual property protection 5.1. All rights to the Web site, and it works in the Republic of Lithuania are protected by laws and regulations. No sites in content or other information may not be reproduced, is made available to the public or distributed without the prior written consent of Minicarshop.lt. 5.2. All trademarks that are presented on the Web site are the property of Minicarshop.lt Minicarshop.lt or use them in accordance with contractual or other legal authority thereby with transaction-based, consisting of the legitimate brand owners (users). 6. Minicarshop.lt limitation of liability 6.1. The visitor agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt not and will not be responsible for the site and (or) Service malfunctions and for the visitor or third party loss or damage. 6.2. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Services are provided without any warranty of Minicarshop.lt side due to the operation of the website and its services will be provided in an appropriate and timely manner and without disruption, quality full extent or that it will not cause any negative impact on the visitor or third parties. 6.3. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any damage and (or) damage which may be incurred by using the Web site visitor and (or) services, and recharging by sending in any other way transmitted or making available to the public any Content. 6.4. Visitor understands and agrees that Minicarshop.lt will not be liable for any way visitors or other third parties reaching Content Visitor use of the Web site and (or) services, including, but not limited to, any errors or discrepancies such content, loss or damage which cause the content or the content of such publication, receiving, sending or otherwise transfer use of the Services. 6.5. Visitor understands and agrees that if the Republic of Lithuania legal acts and these Rules provide otherwise, Minicarshop.lt never and for any reason can not be held responsible for any and all of their actions or omissions related to the visitor's use of the Web site and (or) services, and the rules. The visitor assumes full responsibility for any kind of damages or compensation to which he or a third person may appear in any way a visitor through the Web site and (or) services. 6.6. The visitor undertakes to ensure that Minicarshop.lt never be any legal responsibility, the obligation to pay, reimburse or otherwise compensate for any loss, damage or other expenses incurred due to the use of visitor sites and (or) services. 7. advertising and informational messages 7.1. Minicarshop.lt all promotional and informational messages, requirements, applications and other information to the visitor registration process, the specified e-mail address or any other way, the visitor can be achieved, depending on the service being used. All under these Rules shall be considered a visitor sent information to get visitors after 5 hours from the moment of dispatch. 7.2. Minicarshop.lt is not responsible for any and all internet communications, email service providers, networks or other disorders for which a visitor receives information or supporting e-mails from Minicarshop.lt. The Parties agree that an e-mail or other notification to the visitor copies presence Minicarshop.lt server (database or other appropriate information-storing device) is adequate proof of any information Visitor shipment. 7.3. All messages, requirements, requests and questions from site visitor sends in the "contact" referred to in the contact addresses. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1. Rules are subject to the law of the Republic of Lithuania. 8.2. If any provision of these Rules is against the law, or for any reason become completely or partially invalid, it does not void the remaining provisions of the Rules. In this case, Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree to replace the invalid provision in a legally effective rate, which, as far as possible, have the same legal and economic result as the converted rate. 8.3. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that Minicarshop.lt may at any time transfer its rights and obligations arising from these Regulations to third parties without the visitor's consent and without informing him about it. 8.4. Minicarshop.lt and visitors agree that these Rules shall supersede all visitor sites accessible explanations and descriptions of services with respect, but also due to the fact that all disputes between the parties will be settled in accordance with these Rules. 8.5. All the visitor's and Minicarshop.lt disagreements on the implementation of these rules are resolved by negotiations. Parties without resolving the dispute through negotiation within fifteen (15) days from the date on which one of the parties gave the other party a written request to resolve the dispute, such dispute shall be finally settled in the Republic of Lithuania according to the law courts for Minicarshop.lt seat.